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Other Things I Do

Custom made 'Calm Balm'


My daughter was never great sleeper, neither was I for that matter since she had come along. I understood that the nutrient magnesium was important for a good night's rest, however, when I took it as a supplement it didn't appear to make any difference, besides, I wasn't able to give it to my daughter as she was too young.


That led to me doing a bit of research on magnesium balm, a topical way to apply magnesium, that convinced me to make my first small batch of 'Calm Balm' for both her and myself. Needless to say, with the exception of the odd 'bad' night, we both sleep extremely well, waking fully rested and ready to go.


Magnesium is required for hundreds of processes with our body but when it comes to rest it helps our muscles relax and it is required within our body to help synthesise melatonin, our sleep hormone. To utilise dietary magnesium (through our diet or supplementation) we need a well functioning digestive system and sufficent levels of zinc, vitamin B1 and B6. Unfortunately many people suffer from digestive issues or lack these nutrients making it difficult for their body to utilise the magnesium. The alternative is to apply the magnesium in a topical form. 


My 'Calm Balm' is made from natural ingredients including shea and cocoa butters, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax and magnesium chloride.  What makes my 'Calm Balm' different from others is the custom blend of essential oils, flower essences and crystals I then add.  Although 'Calm Balm' can be used every night for sleep you can also use it during the day when you need to relax, as well as on sore or tense muscles.


There are two sizes available:

small 50g $20

large 100g $35


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AromaTouch® Massage

The AromaTouch Technique® is the application of essential oil to the back and feet. This technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties.


“The AromaTouch Technique was developed to maximize the benefits of essential oils. Its powerful benefits can be effectively delivered equally well by both the novice essential oil enthusiast and the professional health practitioner.”




Sound Massage and Sound Baths

Peter Hess ® Sound Massage  is a unique holistic method of working with Sound & Vibration. Sound Massage is based on the ancient knowledge of Eastern and indigenous Sound Healing ceremonies but has been especially developed to cater for the needs of the Western world.


Benefits of the Peter Hess ® Sound massage are tied to the placement of the Singing Bowls. Peter Hess ® therapeutic Singing Bowls are positioned on and around the dressed body and gently tapped with mallets specifically designed for this application. In this process, the resulting sounds induce audible and perceptible impulses. Due in part to the low frequencies of the harmonic sounds, the subject is rapidly transformed into a soothing state of deep relaxation.


This technique can also be apply is a group situation without the bowls being placed in the body - a sound bath. As the name implies, the participants lie and fall into a relaxed state as a series of bowls, gongs and other instruments are played in the room. The result, an hour of deep relaxation.



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